Saturday, February 9, 2008

Noni Juice and Inflammtion

The older you get, the more aches and pains you wake up with. I know because I'm one of you. Here are some things that I've learned over the years about these maladies. I know what makes me ache first thing in the morning when I can barely crawl out of bed. My hands are stiff and my legs feel swollen. I feel like Jabba the Hutt looked in the Star Wars movie. Get the picture? It isn't pretty, but that's the only analogy that fits. When I eat anything with wheat or yeast I wake up feeling like Jabba. I really try to stay away from these products, but as you all know, they are everywhere and they are in everything! That is when I get the Noni Juice out of the fridge and within an hour, I don't feel the least bit swollen or have any pains in my hands or fingers. Noni juice is really great stuff. The Noni juice that I like is at GNC. It has a raspberry flavor, and taste great! I really believe that if you keep the inflammation down in your body, you will not get arthritis - or any other disease for that matter, but that's another story that I will go into at a later time so be sure to check back often! Take Care and God Bless

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