Friday, February 8, 2008

Statin Drugs Do Not WORK

One such drug is Vitorin. It simply does not work for its intended purpose. The reduction of artery plaque. One study found that for every hundred people taking statins for three years, only one death will be prevented. They also deplet the body of an essential energy molecule coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) which can lead to conjestive heart failure. Doesn't it make you all warm inside knowing that all of these poisons are out there? You know who wants to keep us pumped full of them!
I just happen to know of a great alternative to all of these Cholesterol lowering poisons. It's called ETHYLENEDIAMINETITRAACETIC, or EDTA for short.
Do some of your own research, and make an educated decision on what you would rather put into your own body.
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Rob said...

I certainly will look into your recommendation. What reference do you recommend we review.

Also, there are lots of other natural solutions for natural cholesterol lowering--soluble fiber, phytosterols, and replacing saturated and trans fats with monounsaturated fats. Also looking beyond simply lowering LDL cholesterol to improve overall blood lipid profile consider niacin from nicotinic acid and Omega-3s from marine sources.

We are working to assemble all these scientifically-validated nutritional to natural cholesterol management in an organized approach at Kardea Nutrition. Any and all related information would be appreciated ( Thanks!

Jeff Iversen said...

Heart disease is not a disease of high cholesterol.

The Cholesterol Conspiracy

Debunking The Cholesterol Myth