Sunday, February 3, 2008


I read this on Ann Coulters website, and it is very interesting. In only 3 months you will not just improve one of the most common, but also the most scariest cancers. YOU WILL CURE IT!!!! I am quoting here: EGGPLANT! And the latest research isn't from some fly-by-night outfit that you'd be afraid to take your dog to, but the Royal London Hospital. Using a form of eggplant extract called BEC5, doctors treated both invasive and non-invasive non-melanoma skin cancers. The results were equal to those resulting from invasive surgery, minus the scars.
And doctors concluded:
In our view and experience, BEC5 is safe and effective. It is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer.
Even more importantly, follow-up research on patients who used BEC5
shows once their cancer went away, it did not recur.
And guess who is trying to coverup this very important cure? The FDA and Big PHARMA. Thats' who!
Ann Coulter has a lot of very interesting information on her site. I think it would behoove you to visit her site.
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healthnut said...

Thank you Chris for your interest. We really need people to get the word out about the underhanded dealings of the FDA and Big Pharma!