Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I was just sent some info about the FDA that wasn't very reputable. Now they are going after the Cherry Growers Association, because they are stating that cherries are a good remedy for gout and arthritis. Which they are very good. I drink a four ounce glass once a day for my arthritis, and it has all but disappeared. Come on people, if you don't want all your God given rights, and liberties taken away from you start e-mailing the FDA, and tell them that we want to be the judge of what we put in our own bodies. You can read all about what I am taking about at: www.lef.org/lac/ this is the Life Extension Foundation legislative action center. Please visit their website. This is very important!!! Don't forget to visit: http://www.healthfreedomusa.com/. If you have any feedback to this or any of my blogs, please let me know. Our government, and the FDA are really getting out of hand, and it is our job to reign them back in, before it is to late!


Anonymous said...

I have heard a little about this, and it is scary. We should be able to control our own health, and that includes being able to take supplements. It seems the powers that be want everyone on prescription drugs so they're going to outlaw vitamins. I love your blog by the way!

healthnut said...

Thank you, and you are correct! Our government does want all of us on prescription drugs, because Big Pharma controls all of the testing that the FDA proforms on their own drugs. We really have to work on getting the word out on how our own government is working against us!!! This is very important!

Diane said...

You are so totally right! Thanks for providing the links! We all need to do something to protect our rights.Allowing these agencies too much control id dangerous to our health!