Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cayenne Pepper

My friend had a bad case of fibroid tumors in her uterus, so needless to say she would hemorrhage every month. Her doctor wanted to perform a hysterectomy on her, but she was pretty apprehensive about the whole idea. She called me one day to ask if I had heard of anything knew that was natural. I told her that I heard about this woman that was on a cruise ship and started to hemorrhage. She thought that she was going to have to fly back home to a hospital, but this woman came up to her, and told her about this remedy her American Indian grandmother gave to her. It was Cayenne pepper tea. She was told to drink this remedy 4 times a day until she stopped bleeding. The woman said she had some in her cabin and went to get it. She drank all through the criuse.It worked! As far as my friend goes. When she returned to the doctor he couldn't find any tumors. I think that it is easier to take it in capsule form which my friend did, also.


Mandy said...

Wow, I will have to get mine back out. I keep cayenne pepper on hand for allergies. It works great in the spring time and has helped me avoid quite a few sinus infections.

healthnut said...

I also sprinkle a small amount in my shoes to keep my feet warm. Cayanne pepper really is great stuff!

Mandy said...

I will have to try that. My feet are always cold. Thanks =)

Patricia said...

I wish I'd known this before my hysterectomy. I now drink cayenne pepper with apple cider vinegar each day for digestion and combat illnesses. You do a wonderful job here posting valuable information. Thank you.

test said...

hmmm..... this explains why my stomach has reduced drastically in a short time. I was drinking a tea using 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, and a capsule (or pinch) of cayenne. I went from a size 12 to a size 8 in 4 weeks or less. My hips were probably already a size 8, but the tea probably reduced my stomach. I also add cayenne in my vegetable soups which I ate frequently.